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Tiger's Eye BraceletTiger's Eye Bracelet
Tiger's Eye Bracelet: Harness the Power of Confidence and Protection
Regular price ₹1,498.75 Sale price ₹1,123.75
Tiger's Eye Tumble Stone: Embrace Strength and Confidence
Tiger's Eye Tumble Stone: Embrace Strength and Confidence
Regular price ₹498.75 Sale price ₹373.75
Rudraksha BraceletRudraksha Bracelet
Rudraksha Bracelet : Embrace the Sacred Energy
Regular price ₹1,623.75 Sale price ₹1,248.75
Seven Chakra Rudraksha BraceletSeven Chakra Rudraksha Bracelet
Seven Chakra Rudraksha Bracelet : Experience Spiritual Alignment
Regular price ₹1,623.75 Sale price ₹1,248.75
Pyrite Frame with Gayatri Mantra: Radiate Prosperity and Spiritual HarmonyPyrite Frame with Gayatri Mantra: Radiate Prosperity and Spiritual Harmony
Pyrite Frame with Gayatri Mantra: Radiate Prosperity and Spiritual Harmony
Regular price ₹1,873.75 Sale price ₹1,623.75
Black Tourmaline BraceletBlack Tourmaline Bracelet
Black Tourmaline Bracelet: Ward Off Negativity and Embrace Protection
Regular price ₹1,498.75 Sale price ₹1,123.75
Black Rutilated Quartz Bracelet: Illuminate Your Path with Stylish ClarityBlack Rutilated Quartz Bracelet: Illuminate Your Path with Stylish Clarity
Black Rutilated Quartz Bracelet: Illuminate Your Path with Stylish Clarity
Regular price ₹1,623.75 Sale price ₹1,248.75
Shungite Bracelet: Shield Yourself with Natural Grounding EnergiesShungite Bracelet: Shield Yourself with Natural Grounding Energies
Shungite Bracelet: Shield Yourself with Natural Grounding Energies
Regular price ₹1,623.75 Sale price ₹1,248.75
Blue Appetite Bracelet: Oceanic DreamsBlue Appetite Bracelet: Oceanic Dreams
Blue Appetite Bracelet: Oceanic Dreams
Regular price ₹1,623.75 Sale price ₹1,248.75
Triple Protection Bracelet : Embrace Security and PositivityTriple Protection Bracelet : Embrace Security and Positivity
Triple Protection Bracelet : Embrace Security and Positivity
Regular price ₹1,623.75 Sale price ₹1,248.75
Clear Quartz BraceletClear Quartz Bracelet : Harness the Power of Clarity and Healing
Clear Quartz Bracelet : Harness the Power of Clarity and Healing
Regular price ₹1,248.75 Sale price ₹998.75
Red Carnelian Bracelet :Ignite Your Passion and VitalityRed Carnelian Bracelet :Ignite Your Passion and Vitality
Red Carnelian Bracelet :Ignite Your Passion and Vitality
Regular price ₹1,498.75 Sale price ₹1,123.75