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Property Description
Composition A type of chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, typically with inclusions of various minerals
Color Predominantly grey, with variations in shades and patterns, often featuring bands or layers
Hardness Approximately 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale
  • Believed to promote stability, grounding, and protection
  • Thought to enhance emotional balance and harmony
  • Associated with calming and soothing energies
  • Considered a stone of strength and courage
Chakra Association Root chakra
Zodiac Sign Gemini and Virgo
  • Facilitating emotional healing and stress relief
  • Enhancing mental clarity and concentration
  • Promoting physical strength and endurance
  • Assisting in spiritual growth and self-discovery
Country Of Origin Found in various locations worldwide, including Brazil, India, and Uruguay

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