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Seven Chakra BraceletSeven Chakra Bracelet
Seven Chakra Bracelet: Harmonize Your Energy Centers
Regular price ₹1,299.00 Sale price ₹999.00
Hematite BraceletHematite Bracelet
Hematite Bracelet: Grounding Elegance and Protective Vibes
Regular price ₹1,299.00 Sale price ₹999.00
Seven Chakra with Lava Stones BraceletSeven Chakra with Lava Stones Bracelet: Balance and Grounding Harmony
Seven Chakra with Lava Stones Bracelet: Balance and Grounding Harmony
Regular price ₹1,199.00 Sale price ₹899.00
Moonstone Bracelet: Embrace Feminine Energy and IntuitionMoonstone Bracelet: Embrace Feminine Energy and Intuition
Moonstone Bracelet: Embrace Feminine Energy and Intuition
Regular price ₹1,299.00 Sale price ₹999.00
Sulemani Hakiki BraceletSulemani Hakiki Bracelet
Golden Rutilite BraceletGolden Rutilite Bracelet : Genuine Crystal Healing Jewelry
Golden Rutilite Bracelet : Genuine Crystal Healing Jewelry
Regular price ₹1,399.00 Sale price ₹1,099.00
Pyrite Raw Crystal : Unearth the Power of Prosperity and Protection A-Grade Pyrite Raw Crystal : Class AThe Last Monk
Class A (300-400 gm)Class B (200-300 gm)Class C (100-200 gm)Class D (50 - 100 gm)
Pyrite Raw Crystal : Unearth the Power of Prosperity and Protection
Regular price ₹599.00 Sale price From ₹499.00
Red Carnelian Angel : Ignite Your Passion and VitalityThe Last MonkRed Carnelian Angel : Ignite Your Passion and VitalityThe Last Monk
SaleSold out
Red Carnelian Angel : Ignite Your Passion and Vitality
Regular price ₹599.00 Sale price ₹499.00
The Wealth Kit ver 2.0: Radiate Abundance with Crystal EnergyThe Wealth Kit ver 2.0: Radiate Abundance with Crystal Energy
The Wealth Kit ver 2.0: Radiate Abundance with Crystal Energy
Regular price ₹1,999.00 Sale price ₹1,499.00
Rose Quartz Face Massage RollerRose Quartz Face Massage Roller
Rose Quartz Face Massage Roller: Nurture Your Skin with Love
Regular price ₹1,249.00 Sale price ₹999.00
Moldavite Raw Stone: Channel Cosmic EnergiesMoldavite raw stone
Moldavite Raw Stone: Channel Cosmic Energies
Regular price ₹2,349.00 Sale price ₹1,999.00