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Property Description
Composition A type of stromatolite, a sedimentary rock formed by fossilized algae and other organic matter
Color Typically dark green to black, with swirls or orbs of lighter green, often resembling moss or algae patterns
Hardness Approximately 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale
  • Believed to promote growth, transformation, and renewal
  • Thought to enhance emotional stability and resilience
  • Associated with grounding and connection to nature
  • Considered a stone of harmony and balance
Chakra Association Heart chakra
Zodiac Sign Virgo and Libra
  • Facilitating emotional healing and stress relief
  • Enhancing spiritual growth and inner peace
  • Promoting vitality, abundance, and prosperity
  • Assisting in connecting with the earth's energies
Country Of Origin Found primarily in Madagascar

Most Asked Questions about Kambamba Jasper

A: We directly import kambaba jasper from reputable suppliers, ensuring authenticity and quality control.
A: Kambaba jasper is primarily sourced from regions known for their deposits of this stone, such as Madagascar and South Africa.
A: Our in-house quality check body, ORGI, conducts thorough verification processes to authenticate our kambaba jasper products before sealing them for shipment.
A: No, our kambaba jasper undergoes no chemical treatments, preserving its natural colors and properties.
A: We employ minimal processing to maintain the natural beauty and properties of kambaba jasper.
A: Kambaba jasper is believed to promote tranquility, growth, and connection with nature, making it sought after for its grounding and nurturing energies.
A: Kambaba jasper products should be handled gently and cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap, avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures.
A: Yes, kambaba jasper is often used in metaphysical practices for its connection to the Earth's energies and its ability to enhance stability, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.
A: Genuine kambaba jasper typically exhibits a unique pattern of dark green orbicular markings on a black or dark green background, while imitations may lack the same natural variation or display uniformity in appearance.
A: Kambaba jasper holds significance in various spiritual traditions for its associations with renewal, protection, and abundance, making it a valued stone for meditation, healing, and spiritual practices.