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Property Description
Composition Potassium feldspar mineral, a type of microcline
Color Ranges from blue-green to green, often with white streaks or patches
Hardness 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale
  • Believed to soothe the mind and calm emotions
  • Thought to promote emotional balance and self-discovery
  • Said to enhance creativity, communication, and self-expression
  • Believed to help alleviate stress and anxiety.
Chakra Association Throat and Heart chakras
Zodiac Sign Virgo and Aries
  • Meditation and spiritual practices
  • Emotional healing and stress relief
  • Enhancing communication and self-expression
  • Promoting creativity and inspiration
Country Of Origin United States

Most Asked Questions about Amazonite

A: Our Amazonite is imported directly from the Ilmen Mountains in Russia, known for producing some of the finest quality Amazonite in the world.
A: We work closely with trusted miners and suppliers at the source to guarantee that our Amazonite is genuine and of the highest quality. Each stone undergoes rigorous testing and verification processes.
A: Amazonite is known for its calming and soothing energies, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma. It is also believed to promote clarity of mind, enhance intuition, and foster a sense of inner peace.
A: Amazonite is primarily associated with the Heart and Throat Chakras. It helps to balance and align these energy centers, promoting emotional healing, self-expression, and clear communication.
A: Yes, Amazonite can be worn as jewelry. We offer a wide range of Amazonite jewelry, including pendants, bracelets, and earrings. Wearing Amazonite close to the Heart or Throat Chakra is believed to be most effective for harnessing its healing properties.
A: Meditating with Amazonite or placing it on your Heart or Throat Chakra during meditation can help to deepen its healing effects. You can also carry Amazonite with you or place it in your environment to create a calming and soothing atmosphere.
A: You can cleanse your Amazonite by smudging it with sage, placing it in moonlight or sunlight, or using sound vibrations from a singing bowl. To charge your stone, you can place it on a piece of Selenite or Quartz cluster.
A: Yes, Amazonite is considered safe to use during pregnancy. However, as with any crystal healing, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider before using Amazonite or any other stones during pregnancy.
A: Amazonite works well with other Heart and Throat Chakra stones, such as Rose Quartz, Malachite, and Aquamarine. It can also be combined with grounding stones like Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz for added stability and protection.
A: When purchasing Amazonite from us, you can be assured of its authenticity and quality. Look for stones with a vibrant blue-green color, white streaks, and a smooth, polished finish. Our Amazonite comes with a certificate of authenticity, guaranteeing its origin and quality.