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Property Description
Composition A rock composed of multiple minerals, primarily lazurite (sodium calcium aluminum silicate), along with calcite, pyrite, and other minerals
Color Deep blue with golden pyrite flecks and white calcite veins
Hardness Approximately 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale
  • Believed to enhance wisdom, truth, and inner vision
  • Thought to promote spiritual enlightenment and self-awareness
  • Associated with protection, communication, and psychic abilities
  • Considered a stone of royalty, honor, and divine connection
Chakra Association Throat and Third Eye chakras
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius and Taurus
  • Facilitating self-expression and communication
  • Enhancing mental clarity and intuition
  • Promoting emotional healing and balance
  • Assisting in meditation and spiritual practices
Country Of Origin Found primarily in Afghanistan, but also in Russia, Chile, and Myanmar

Most Asked Questions about Lapis Lazuli

A: We source Lapis Lazuli directly from reputable suppliers specializing in this exquisite gemstone. Our importing process involves establishing relationships with trusted suppliers who adhere to strict quality standards, ensuring authenticity and excellence in every piece we offer.
A: Authenticity is of utmost importance. Each Lapis Lazuli specimen undergoes thorough examination by our expert team, skilled in identifying genuine Lapis Lazuli. We also prioritize sourcing from reputable suppliers with a proven track record in providing authentic Lapis Lazuli specimens. Furthermore, our products are ORGI sealed, assuring customers of their authenticity and quality.
A: Our quality assurance process is rigorous. Before any Lapis Lazuli product reaches our customers, it undergoes extensive inspection and testing by our in-house quality check body, ORGI. This ensures that only the finest quality Lapis Lazuli specimens, free from defects and imperfections, are shipped, upholding our commitment to delivering excellence.
A: Ethical sourcing is a fundamental principle guiding our procurement practices. We carefully vet our suppliers to ensure they adhere to ethical and sustainable practices in mining and processing Lapis Lazuli. By fostering transparent and responsible relationships with our suppliers, we ensure that our Lapis Lazuli specimens are ethically sourced, contributing to the well-being of communities and the environment.
A: Lapis Lazuli is revered for its deep blue color and potent metaphysical properties. It is believed to stimulate wisdom, intuition, and spiritual enlightenment. Additionally, Lapis Lazuli is thought to promote inner peace, clarity of mind, and emotional healing. Its connection to the throat chakra makes it a powerful stone for communication, self-expression, and creativity. Lapis Lazuli is also associated with enhancing psychic abilities and facilitating deep meditation.
A: To maintain the quality and effectiveness of Lapis Lazuli specimens, handle them with care. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, prolonged sunlight, or extreme temperatures, as these may affect their appearance and energy. Regularly cleanse Lapis Lazuli specimens using methods such as smudging, rinsing with lukewarm water, or placing them on a bed of cleansing crystals like selenite. Store them in a safe, energetically harmonious environment to preserve their energy and vibrancy.
A: Indeed, various rituals and practices can enhance the healing properties of Lapis Lazuli. These may include meditating with Lapis Lazuli to access higher realms of consciousness and inner wisdom, wearing Lapis Lazuli jewelry to enhance communication and self-expression, or placing Lapis Lazuli in your living or work space to promote a sense of serenity and spiritual connection. Experimenting with different rituals and practices allows individuals to unlock the full potential of Lapis Lazuli's healing energy.
A: Absolutely! Lapis Lazuli harmonizes beautifully with a variety of healing stones and crystals, amplifying their energies and enhancing their effects. Whether combined with clear quartz for clarity of mind, amethyst for spiritual insight, or rose quartz for emotional healing, Lapis Lazuli can complement and augment the healing properties of other crystals, providing a synergistic and holistic approach to healing and well-being.
A: While Lapis Lazuli is generally considered safe for most people, it's important to approach its use with mindfulness and respect. Some individuals may be sensitive to the energies of certain crystals, so it's advisable to start with short periods of use and observe how your body and mind respond. Additionally, if you're using Lapis Lazuli for its physical healing properties, consulting with a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance and support.
A: Certainly! We are dedicated to supporting our customers on their healing journey. In addition to providing high-quality Lapis Lazuli products, we offer a wealth of informational resources, including articles, blogs, and guides, to help customers deepen their understanding of Lapis Lazuli and its diverse healing properties. Our knowledgeable customer support team is also available to answer any questions and provide personalized recommendations based on individual needs and interests.