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Property Description
Composition Hydrated silica (SiO2·nH2O), containing varying amounts of water and traces of other minerals
Color Exhibits a unique play of color known as opalescence, with flashes of iridescent colors such as blue, green, red, orange, and purple
Hardness Approximately 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale
  • Believed to enhance intuition and creativity
  • Thought to promote emotional healing and stability
  • Associated with love, passion, and desire
  • Considered a stone of inspiration and imagination
Chakra Association Crown and Third Eye chakras
Zodiac Sign Libra, Scorpio, and Cancer
  • Facilitating spiritual growth and connection
  • Enhancing emotional expression and communication
  • Promoting positive energy and optimism
  • Assisting in overcoming challenges and fears
Country Of Origin Found in various locations worldwide, including Australia, Ethiopia, and Brazil

Most Asked Questions about Opal

A: We source Opal stones directly from their origins, ensuring authenticity and quality. Our import process involves meticulous selection and verification to maintain the highest standards.
A: Opal is prized for its unique play of color and its ability to enhance creativity and emotional balance. Many individuals seek its healing properties for promoting positivity and inner harmony.
A: We guarantee the authenticity of our Opal products through rigorous quality control measures. Each item is certified by ORGI, our in-house quality check body, and sealed for assurance before shipment.
A: Opal requires gentle care to preserve its natural beauty. We recommend cleaning with a soft cloth and avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals or sudden temperature changes to maintain its luster and stability.
A: Yes, Opal is believed to enhance spiritual connections and deepen meditation experiences. Its calming energy and iridescent hues make it a popular choice for those seeking inner peace and insight.
A: Opal comes in various colors and types, each with its own unique characteristics. From fiery reds to calming blues, individuals can choose Opals that resonate with their personal energy and intentions.
A: Opal is valued for its holistic benefits, promoting emotional healing, and fostering a sense of hope and optimism. Its gentle vibrations are said to soothe the soul and encourage a positive outlook on life.
A: Yes, Opal jewelry is not only fashionable but also serves as a constant source of inspiration and positivity. We offer a range of designs, from simple earrings to elegant pendants, suitable for daily wear.
A: Opal holds rich cultural and historical significance across different civilizations. It has been revered as a symbol of love, hope, and protection, with ancient myths and legends attributing magical powers to this mesmerizing gemstone.
A: Our Opal products stand out for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Each piece is meticulously inspected and certified by ORGI, ensuring that customers receive only the finest Opal stones with unparalleled beauty and energy.